A handsome, cheeky and bold fish, the perch (Perca fluviatilis) has a greeny-brown back with a series of dark vertical bars across the upper sides. Perch can grow up to 6lbs
Below is a break-down of things you’ll need to start targeting Perch on Fly.
- Fly Rod weight: 6/7 Weight
- Fly Reel: 6/7 Weight
- Fly Lines: 6-7 Weight Float in shallow areas & Sink for deeper waters
- Leader: Info coming soon
- Trace: 8lbs if no Pike, 12lbs + wire trace if Pike are present
- Trace to fly: Fastach clip or knot
- Fly: Small Minnow type flies on size 8-1 hooks
- Net: Use a rubber mesh net, you may use your trout net
- Unhooking Mat: A must if you are fishing on hard dry ground or concrete. Some fisheries/clubs/events have strict rules that you must have one with you. Best to check with them before you go.
- Forceps/Pliers: Forceps Yes
- Unhooking glove: No
Tips for Perch
- Perch have a very spiky dorsal fin and pointed gill covers and care should be taken when handling them
- Keep your perch fly moving, but not stripping so fast that your artificial lifts too far up in the water